Fat Hog Prices Today (2025)

1. [PDF] Daily Direct Afternoon Hog Report - Agricultural Marketing Service

  • 5-Day Rolling Average Market Hog: 213.98 lb carcass, 0.60 inch back-fat, 8.33 square inch loin/2.77 inch loin depth, FFLI: 54.28%. Price Range $76.75 - $85.50.

2. [PDF] Daily Direct Prior Day Hog Report - Agricultural Marketing Service

  • 5-Day Rolling Average Market Hog: 213.98 lb carcass, 0.60 inch back-fat, 8.33 square inch loin/2.77 inch loin depth, FFLI: 54.28%. Price Range $70.00 - $87.65.

3. Pork Prices | janzen-family-farms

  • Total for Half Hog $212.50-$250. ​. ​. *These prices are estimates only. Hog prices are dependent on. hog weight at harvest and current fat/hog cash prices.

  • Pork Prices

4. Lean Hogs - ITG Futures

  • Hog prices surged into Q3 and posted a 3-year high of 92.82 cents per pound in July as pork belly prices rallied to a record high of $2.75 a pound. The rally in ...

  • Lean Hogs FuturesChicago Wheat Futures - exchange symbol, chart, exchange, trading month, contract size, tick size, daily limits, trading hours, last trading day, margin, calendar, background and brochures from CME.

5. Market Report | Livestock Sale | Red Oak, IA

6. Viewing a thread - Hog prices - AgTalk

  • More results from talk.newagtalk.com

  • Alton, Ia

7. Hog sales - Pipestone Livestock Auction Market

  • We pride ourselves on offering the best in livestock auction services, with some of the best facilities, grounds, and services in the area.

  • Pipestone Livestock Auction Market serves southwestern Minnesota and the tri-state region with complete livestock sales services. Family-owned for over 30 years.

8. [PDF] Valuing Market Hogs: Information and Pricing Issues - AgManager.info

  • 2003 a 0.8 inch back fat hog, with a loin area of 6.0 and depth of 2.0 inches, had calculated prices ranging from $42.25 to $53.50 per hundredweight ...

9. Daily Direct Afternoon Hog Report

  • Jan 18, 2024 · ... fat, 8.24 square inch loin/2.74 inch loin depth, FFLI: 52.75%. Price Range $46.75 - $52.50. USDA Livestock, Poultry and Grain Market News. Des ...

10. Hog farmers plan to trim the fat amid market losses - FarmWeekNow.com

  • Jun 30, 2023 · Lean hog prices as of June 29 averaged $95 per hundredweight in July and $92 in August but just $79 in October and $75 for December. “This ...

  • U.S. farrowing intentions are down 4% the next six months compared to last year.

Hog farmers plan to trim the fat amid market losses - FarmWeekNow.com

11. Whole-Hog Value Calculator - Pork Information Gateway

  • For the 250 pound hogs yielding more than 75 percent the total wholesale weight is 31,861pounds and is valued at $26,582 or $132.91 per head. Table 4. Specific ...

  • Increasing numbers of pork producers are considering owning their product further than the packers gate. Much of this impetus comes from increasing farm-cutout or farm-retail margins. However, many producers are not aware of the potential variability in product, price, and ultimately profits that occurs in the packing and processing sector. Furthermore, due to the variability that occurs in item weights and other specifications, there are minimum numbers of live animals that are necessary to keep facilities operational. Thus, producers interested in further processing need some way to predict the amount of product associated with a given number of hogs. That is why the Whole Hog Value Calculator (WHVC) was developed.

Whole-Hog Value Calculator - Pork Information Gateway

12. DTN Hog Close/Trends 09/06 15:05 - News | Dakotaland Feeds

  • DTN publishes private source hog prices as they are reported to us. DTN is ... NEG VOLUME BY PURCHASE TYPE: ESTIMATED - NAT'L 3,272 / ACTUAL TODAY: 3,272

  • News

13. Pork Fat (5 lb. packs) $2.95/lb - BP Farms

  • Missing: hog | Show results with:hog

  • Pork fat is ground and used for rendering into lard.

Pork Fat (5 lb. packs) $2.95/lb - BP Farms

14. [PDF] Weekly Regional HOG PRICE Report | Alberta Pork

  • Aug 23, 2022 · marketing landscape for fat hogs, higher cost of production and a volatile profitability scenario from recent years. Canada's breeding herd ...

15. QUARTER Hog Share- DEPOSIT (Fall '24 Harvest)

  • PRICE BY SHARE SIZE ... Quarter Hog: $499 Flat Rate ~ 35-40# of take home meat. Prices INCLUDE harvest, standard cut and wrap, bones and fat. There are no ...

  • Quarter Hog Share: Limited shares available now! Please disregard the shipping information, this is for local pickup only in Central Oregon or Local Delivery (Bend, Oregon). Please note the listed price is a DEPOSIT for your share, final balance is due at time of pickup.  Quarter Hog: ~35-40 lbs of take home meat. Stan

QUARTER Hog Share- DEPOSIT (Fall '24 Harvest)

16. [PDF] Daily Direct Afternoon Hog Report

  • Sep 5, 2023 · ... fat, 7.48 square inch loin/2.49 inch loin depth, FFLI: 53.21%. Price Range $78.19 - $85.00. USDA Livestock, Poultry and Grain Market News. Des ...

17. [PDF] Weekly Market Summary - MO.gov

  • May 30, 2003 · Cattle prices are steadily working higher, we once again hit the magic 80.00 fat cattle this week, which ... Prices mostly steady. Prices per ton ...

18. Little York, IN Livestock Market - United Producers

  • Fat Cattle start at 10 a.m., followed by hogs, goat and sheep. Feeder Cattle typically start around 11 a.m.. Receiving Hours: Monday: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.. Tuesday ...

  • Receiving Hours: Monday: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Tuesday: 6 – 10 a.m.

Little York, IN Livestock Market - United Producers
Fat Hog Prices Today (2025)


What is the current price of hogs? ›

US Swine Price is at a current level of 88.67, down from 89.39 last month and up from 85.34 one year ago.

What are hogs bringing per pound? ›

Market pigs sell for between $2.00 and $4.00 a pound with an average price of $3.50 per pound. Processing fees (butchering, cutting, and wrapping) vary based on the butcher. The estimated processing total is $400. For a precise amount, contact one of the suggested butchers.

What is the market weight of a fat hog? ›

Market hogs do not vary in live weight as much as beef cattle and can be subjectively estimated with more accuracy. The normal range is 190-270 pounds with an average of 245.

Why are hog prices going up? ›

Increased pork demand raises hog prices Increased pork demand raises hog prices. U.S. pork exports forecast to increase almost 4.6% over 2023 due to higher domestic production, less global competition.

How much is a 200 lb hog worth? ›

Pork Pricing & Information

Estimated cost is $270.00 for Whole pig. Average hanging weight is 150-210 lbs for Whole pig. Average lbs of pork after processing is 90-126 lbs for Whole pig. Average cost for Whole pig after processing is $700-$850.

How much should a whole hog cost? ›

A whole hog generally costs about $600-$750. Your deposit will be applied to the final amount due. Each butcher has different processing cost, but averages around $350-$400 for a whole hog.

How much meat will I get from a 300 lb hog? ›

A live 300 lb hog yields a hanging weight of 216 lbs (108 lbs per half). Hanging weight is the weight once the hog is slaughtered and organs are removed.

How much bacon from one pig? ›

A whole hog will yield about 16 lbs of bacon. You can slice it and fry it fresh as a pork belly or you can have it smoked and cured to make bacon. Shoulder: A whole hog will yield 2 Boston butt roast and 2 picnic roasts from the shoulders.

How much meat from a 275 lb pig? ›

On average about 57% of a hog make it from the pen to the pan. A 250 lb. hog will yield approximately 144 lbs of retail cuts. Around 28% of a hog's live weight is inedible product re- moved during the slaughter and dressing procedure bringing our 250 lb.

How old is a 300 pound hog? ›

This was done to demonstrate measurements of meat quality impacting palatability, as well as factors influencing yield, or the pounds of meat one can expect from a butcher hog. Most market hogs are raised for optimal meat quality and yield between 5-7 months of age, or between 250-325 pounds.

What is the best weight to slaughter a hog? ›

At the end of the nursery phase, the pigs enter a feeder-to-finish, or simply, the finishing stage, where at approximately 6 months they reach a desired slaughter weight of above 280 pounds, which will produce an approximate 210 pound carcass. A desired slaughter weight is the optimum market weight.

How big is a 100 pound hog? ›

How to Obtain a Whole Hog for your Pig Roast
WeightLengthCooking Time
70 lbs46"5 hours
80 lbs48"5.5 hours
90 lbs52"6 hours
100 lbs56"6 hours
3 more rows

How much will hog prices be in 2024? ›

Remaining quarters of 2024

Total 2024 commercial pork production is anticipated to increase to 28.1 billion pounds, a 2.8% jump from 2023's production numbers. The forecast for prices of second-quarter live equivalent 51-52% lean hogs are expected to average $68 per cwt, almost 21% higher than prices in 2023.

Is there a pork shortage in 2024? ›

Total pork production for 2024 is forecast at about 28 billion pounds, up 2.8 percent from last year. Pork production for the first half of 2025 is unchanged from last month. Pork exports for 2024 are reduced 125 million pounds to 7.122 billion pounds, 4.4 percent above exports in 2023.

Is it worth buying a whole hog? ›

A whole pig typically yields 120 pounds of meat or more. Cost depends on the cuts chosen and its weight, but one can expect to save 15 percent to 40 percent.

How much meat from a 300 lb pig? ›

We'd expect a pig this size to produce 120 to 150 lbs of packaged meat!

What are feeder pigs selling for? ›

From the National Direct Delivered Feeder Pig Report

The low to high range was $57 - $95. Formula-priced weaners were up $0.38 this week at $63.33. Cash-traded feeder pig reported volume was above average with 17,760 head reported. Cash feeder pig reported prices were $112.10, up $7.79 per head from last week.

What is the price outlook for lean hogs? ›

Lean Hogs is expected to trade at 84.49 USd/Lbs by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Looking forward, we estimate it to trade at 91.69 in 12 months time.

What is the price of pig boar? ›

Swine Situation Report, July-September 2023

In the third quarter of 2023, the highest average farmgate price was recorded in August at PhP 164.49 per kilogram, liveweight, while the lowest average farmgate price was noted in July at PhP 162.35 per kilogram, liveweight.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.